Adeyemi David .O
2 min readJun 4, 2021

Music PR: What Exactly Is It?

This PR word is becoming a cliche in many industries, what does it even mean? Public Relations.

In plain English, it means creating, maintaining and sustaining a favourable image between you (celebrity, brand, organisation etc) and your audience. That’s it! Yes, that’s all.

As a music artiste, what does PR mean to you or your career? You are a brand that people can relate with, you have targets (those you want your music to appeal to). So, what is the best way to create, maintain and sustain the good image you want your fans to perceive of you?

Many emerging artistes do not consider PR in planning and marketing their projects which often leads to disaster.

In music, certain things have to be in place for you to have a successful career, one of which is how your fans perceive you. Is it good, bad or in between?

Because PR involves creating, maintaining and sustaining, there has to be A STRATEGY! A strategy that will involve different stages of planning. For instance, do you need to go on a radio tour? Do you need to send your fans periodic newsletters? What kind of influencers will promote your project? So many ways to go about it, because what works for A might not work for you.

He who fails to plan, is definitely planning to fail. You don’t just wake up and say you feel like doing giveaway. Fine, you might have the money, but are you getting results? Is your giveaway converting more streams?

Please stay in touch, I’ll continue with this next week.

Adeyemi David .O
Adeyemi David .O

Written by Adeyemi David .O

Author | Music PR, Marketing & Branding Expert | Writer Mail -

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